2.2.1 (27/07/2017) ====================== -possibility to don't show past dates in webpage with rates table -default theme for webpages has been updated for better mobile view -add http:// before web URL if it begins with www. in structure data -possibility to import the prices from one rate to another only in selected periods -possibility to edit permanently imported rates -enhancements to download of messages from email account -fixed bug: add only extra costs in insertion page when checking availability from main menu -fixed security bug when creating webpages -code for special offers in availability webpage -possibility to automatically associate only selected extra costs in the availability webpage -fixed bug: dates selectors errors on some computers in blue, colors and simple themes -fixed bug: error when inserting extra cost from point of sale on some databases -fixed bug: grouped extra costs not inserted correctly from messages -added a "rooms cleaning report" to default documents -the "truncate" condition for document variables now accepts negative values for distance from end -added variable [null_value] to default document variables -possibility for document conditions to be applied only in specific repetitions -variable [extra_cost_max_multiply] is now exactly equal to day multiply inside date repetitions -fixed bug: after availability check, viewing multiple emails showed only first in choosen language -fixed bug: reservation comments sometimes not displayed correctly in "modify client data" page -default invoices now correctly show subtotals when there are different percentages for taxes -fixed bug: error when showing document in availability page -fixed bug: rates with special characters could not be set when modifying a reservation -fixed bug: sometimes year not created automatically at first login with server difference hours -fixed bug: sometimes wrong prices searching availability with per person prices and multiple rule 2 2.2.0 (22/12/2016) ====================== -added "blue" and "colors" themes removing icons from simple themes, "blue" is the new default theme -possibility for assignment rule 2 to reserve x number of selected units, also as nearby units -fixed bug: sometimes assignment rules 2 were not updated correctly when rooms were renamed -option for nearby rooms in website availability page -faster automatic assignment function when searching nearby rooms -possibility to insert only reservations of the same type as "nearby" when inserting new reservations -fixed bug: privilege for always inserting reservation payments in a cashbox not working properly -fixed bug: permitted cashboxes were not imported from one user to another -fixed some bugs and error reporting in Italian document "file alloggiatiweb" -fixed bug: lock warnings when deleting a reservation that begins in previous year -fiscal code and vat number are now asked when inserting new clients and in availability webpage -added a check for functions utf8_encode and utf8_decode -added a warning when creating availability page and there are rates without assignment rule 2 -set opcache.enable to 0 in pages where included files are overwritten -added /novalidate-cert to protocols when downloading emails in messages -fixed bug: with multiple reservations wrong nation and region lines in default invoices -possibility to use an external css file also for default themes in website pages -possibility to "import now" prices from the same rate that is importing prices 2.1.4 (06/02/2016) ====================== -added "export clients data" document in csv format to default documents -selecting documents from month table will select first date in previous month even for first month -added icons to base.css and simple themes -fixed bug: not uploading documents on some server configurations -optimizations for mobile view -fixed bug: in pos extra costs could not be added to some reservations when check-in not enabled -new costant in includes/costanti.php for mobile custom css (loaded after default custom css) -fixed bug: tables not locked in function that displays messages about saved documents -fixed bug: variable [rate_price_of_array_day] was not defined if not inside reservations repetition -fixed bug: errors restoring a backup with constant C_EXT_DB_DATA_PATH enabled and mysql database 2.1.3 (29/10/2015) ====================== -added new document "ISTAT C/59_M" with monthly totals to default Italian documents -when an extra cost is deleted return directly to the costs table -in inventory when adding/subtracting items display a "+"/"-" in front of quantity box -"item: old quantity + difference = new quantity" shown when changing quantity of inventory items -possibility to customize x, + and - buttons in point of sale -possibility to sort inventory and pos alphabetically instead of insertion order -fixed bug: modifying a cost removing from stockroom, it was not selected without apartment privileges -client comment shown in existing clients when inserting a reservation -privilege to modify interconnections -custom comments (also available in documents variables and website pages) -possibility to link agreements to custom client fields in website pages -fixed bug: error when inserting some extra costs category names -added privilege to view reservations comment -possibility to import also customizations from one user to another one in users management -added origin and insertion date in reservation preview from month table -fixed bug: when advancing by days in month table too long reservations were not ended -fixed bug: rates closed with rule 1 were not updated when changing rates order -fixed bug: messages without a subject were not downloaded -fixed bug: lock not deleted for documents saved in compressed format -fixed bug: not updating progressive number when saving documents not linked to any reservation -updated list of Italian regions and cities -new document action to assign to a variable the number of days, months or years between 2 dates -comment imported when inserting a reservation from avaialbility page -fixed bug: sometimes normal users could not insert a reservation when units were closed with rule 1 -fixed bug: errors when deleting documents with some document names 2.1.2 (26/01/2015) ====================== -possibility to change horizontal offset for calendars when creating webpages (by default on left now) -fixed bug: errors when changing documents order with some document names -possibility to exclude an extra cost from the total price for percentage of other costs -fixed bug: wrong calculation of taxes in statistics when there were taxes on extra costs -fixed bug: extra costs categories and rules 1 for closures not imported correctly in new year -in documents assign to arrays dates between first arrival and last departure of selected reservations -in documents repetitions of costs inside a repetition of dates, show daily costs only on applied dates -enhanced enquiry emails download in messages table -fixed bug: errors when modifying extra costs in groups of reservations -fixed bug: repetitions of reservations inside repetitions of units not working properly in documents -possibility to select separately wich totals (daily/monthly/table) are shown in chashboxes -when administrator activates checkin and checkout, past reservations are marked as checked out -updated non ASCII characters in rtf documents -fixed bug: reservations not shown in month table with some privileges and mysqli functions -fixed bug: errors when restricting rooms in user privileges and using mysqli functions -added "RIMOVCLI" to default Italian documents for ISTAT in Liguria region -show current reservations + departures in all reservations table as default or from menu (simple theme) -possibility to advance by one period also if 2 periods are selected in all reservations table -added "Turiweb Ricestat" to default Italian documents for ISTAT in Livorno province 2.1.1 (12/11/2014) ====================== -button to delete all credit cards from past reservations -possibility to show daily and monthly totals between chashbox rows -possibility to view and download text documents with another extension -privilege to avoid that a user can delete or overwrite a document even if he can create/view it -fixed bug: cached total price not updated in reservations when inserting costs from pos -possibility to create a corresponding extra cost when inserting items in inventory -possibility to add/subtract the new quantity to items in inventory -autofocus when inserting new items and items in inventory -global custmization to manage credit cards cvc numbers (with warning and disclaimer) -show at most last 5 years in statistics -updated italian documents to show a more detailed message for missing cities in "file alloggiatiweb" -fixed bug: problems when changing language with php 5.6 (included files are now cached?) -fixed bug: messages not marked as read when deleted from a user -fixed bug: condition to truncate variables in documents not applied correctly with non ascii characters -fixed bug: backup not restored when using some tags in documents -updated mysqli functions to use less memory -fixed bug: wrong date format in check-in table -added greek alphabet to rtf documents -fixed bug: wrong rounding when adding items in point of sale with javascript -fixed bug: not showing prices with only per person values in webpage with rate table -fixed bug: error when inserting a reservation with a rate with only per person prices -fixed bug: wrong extra cost price for daily costs with percentage on one person 2.1.0 (25/03/2014) ====================== -additional boolean or text fields with custom name for clients data, also in documents -do not check ip address for sessions over secure https connections -possibility to consider an extra cost as taxes (also updated default invoices) -do not save ccvv for credit cards -show credit card info only on ssl secure connection or localhost -when creating new year automatically delete credit card info of clients not imported in new year -possibility to choose colors for reservations in month table -constants for custom css file and favicon in includes/costanti.php -added [enquiry_email_text] and [enquiry_email_quoted_text] to document variables -possibility to import email messages into messages table, trying to detect dates, email address and name -show time near the date in messages table -fixed bug: no comment shown in group columns in reservations table -pages for messages table -new rule 1 to close a rate between 2 dates -possibility for rule 1 to close a unit between 2 dates -fixed bug: when moving a reservation from month table, nearby reservations were lost -option to create new rooms as beds (maximum occupancy of 1, no extra beds and 1 guest maximum) -fixed bug: nearby units were deleted when showing nearby units grid with more than 70 units -fixed bug: some extra costs restrictions not considered when checking availability from main menu -possibility to create more rooms at once (comma separated list) -fixed bug: wrong dates when moving by day or week in month table if dates are aligned with arrival -added mysqli functions for database connection -fixed bug: from some languages not using the correct file name when creating some web pages -fixed bug: error when restoring a backup with custom room names 2.0.3 (09/03/2013) ====================== -possibility to show an extra cost as taxes in default invoice documents -possibility to show a reminder when doing the checkin or checkout for a reservation -fixed bug: error when modifying prices with postgresql -customize search for clients -month 0 in progressive incomes in statistics -fixed bug: per person prices not imported when adding months -open payments list from "modify reservation" with javascript and added inserting user -link to "modify reservation" from paymets table -button to delete credit cards numbers of past reservations in clients table -possibility to permanently import the prices of one rate from another -when in Italian document "alloggiatiweb" some data is missing send an error message with the missing data -possibility to add only one selected document when restoring documents backup -possibility to directly delete a document -possibility to increment the document progressive number each time it appears in the document -fixed bug: couldn't modify reservations with extraordinary extra costs multiplied by more than the people -possibility to view documents from point of sale when extra costs are inserted -possibility to add custom html headers to html documents -structure logo in document variables and logo in default html invoices -added a variable with daily price in dates repetitions -added a repetition for reservation payments and another for rooms in documents -added current user and inserting date/user for extra costs, payments and reservations in document variables -added the (maximum) number by which an extra cost is multiplied in document variables -insert a reservation choosing dates and apartment clicking on free cells in the month table -title with reservation data (XMLHttpRequest) when passing over a reservation in month table 2.0.2 (11/12/2012) ====================== -added Turistat document to default Italian documents -updated C/59 ISTAT Italian document -in documents show codes for nations, regions, etc. also for the ones that are not in user lists -updated the default list of nations (added 2nd code to English and Spanish lists) -possibility to assign to an array the values of another array in document conditions -possibility to have string keys for arrays in documents text, like [array1('val')] -fixed bug: possible infinite loop when enabling the password for a user -"add periods" button when displaying last month in month table -new document action to assign to a variable the value of day, month, year, etc. of dates +/- X days -added "contains" (case sensitive and insensitive) to operators for "if" conditions in document variables -"ini.php" file for constants to set username and password of administrator user while installing -contact name in default sender for document emails -possibility to advance or retrocede by one or seven days in month table (XMLHttpRequest) -possibility to don't show others' reservations in month tables (instead of showing them in grey) -fixed bug: some reservations not showing in month table with privilege to show reservations from groups -fixed bug: errors with extra costs that ask numbers in website pages 2.0.1 (24/6/2012) ====================== -fixed bug: extra costs calculated as percentage of all persons instead of one person -fixed bug: checking availability gives wrong "per person" rates when extra beds are automatically added -show warning when creating a calendar web page with grouping with rule 2 and there are no rules 2 -fixed bug: "per person" prices not moved when changing rates order 2.0.0 (12/6/2012) ====================== -when rounding the deposit, if it is rounded to 0 then set it to the "rounded to" value -possibility to change arrival/departure date by dragging left/right edge in month table -added html format to email documents -added "salt" to md5 passwords and disabled plain text passwords -vertical drag and drop (html5) of reservations to change apartment from month table -welcome message with all the suggested configuration steps when hoteldruid is installed -option for automatic creation of database in includes/costanti.php -fast extra cost insertion for: minimum stay; number of children; special offer; extra bed -try to import also permitted pediods of extra costs when adding periods -error messages and warnings with conflicting options when modifying an extra cost -possibility to combine extra costs in same category (if selected then all costs are inserted when possible) -possibility to calculate % of extra costs also only on fixed base rate or on one person base rate -possibility for extra costs to have both a fixed price and % of the rate price -maximum number by which an extra cost can be multiplied if the number is asked (also base/total people less x) -possibility to add/subtract a fixed number to the number by which an extra cost is multiplied (0 if negative) -register logins when logs are enabled for a user -sqlite3 database support (sqlite2 dropped) -possibility for rates to have both a fixed and per person price -possibility to dinamically add more (or less) than 8 periods when inserting prices -path to dati folder in hoteldruid/costanti.php -accept arrays as variables for parts under condition in documents -privileges to view telephones/emails and address of clients 1.3.2 (14/07/2011) ====================== -possibility to modify inserted inventory items -possibility to import rates adding a fixed value instead of % -possibility to modify documents in normal users' global privileges -user privilege to always insert reservation payments as income in a selected cashbox -maximum number of rows to show in cashboxes tables -use of javascript in point of sale interface -multiple cashboxes -payment method in cashbox payments -possibility to import variables and conditions from a document to another one -changed project name from "php-residence" to "hoteldruid" -queries log for a single user or group -possibility to save compressed documents -backup and restore of single years -possibility to customize the name of the rental unit -fixed bug: wrong prices in statistics without commissions -fixed bug: wrong discount when imposing the price on reservations with extra costs on total price -possibility to show statistics for reservations inserted in a specific period of the year -link to home in default themes for website pages -possibility to open seconond step in new window from framed mode in availability page -fixed bug: language_code variable not defined when opening documents from clients table -fixed bug: error when calculating new commissions for a group of reservations -fixed bug: errors when restoring a document already present -fixed bug: error when selecting apartments from a rate in statistics 1.3.1 (08/11/2010) ====================== -possibility to show principal guest surname in all reservations table if different from client surname -possibility to show detailed extra costs when checking availability -possibility to show not available rates when checking availability -variable [email_already_sent] with "sent status" (1 or 0) in document emails -spoken language in clients data and possibility to show different document depending on language -when searching a client, also show current year reservations in the table -changed "internet templates" phrase to "website pages" -possibility to calculate statistics without commissions and/or taxes -possibility to apply commissions on rate+discount and on rate+discount+extra costs -deposit calculated as first x nights -search a reservation number from top bar menu in simple theme -titular client nationality statistics -fixed bug: discount not calculated on "RevPAR without extra costs" in statistics -possibility to hide money of deleted reservations in all reservations table 1.3 (04/06/2010) ====================== -multiple languages (as available in lang dir) for descriptions of rates and apartments and comments for photos -return to the last layout of table with all reservations during session -"point of sale" to rapidly add extra costs to current/checked-in reservations -extra costs categories for grouping them -groups in "schedine alloggiati" document -html invoice in document examples -special document variable [repetition_error] that can make a reservation/client not shown in repeated documents -reservation insertion date in document variables -possibility to automatically create saved documents at checkin or checkout -possibility to view documents from below the clients table -special document variable [error_message] that when set an error is shown instead of the document -save documents with a different name from document name and share the progressive number with other documents -possibility for a document to use variables and conditions from another document instead of its own -automatically apply an extra cost (daily type, lower id first) as extra beds when number of people requires it -use daily prices stored in reservation when changing only arrival or departure dates -use document provided taxes values in default invoice document -column to show saved documents in all reservations table -select from "configure and customize" extra rows to show in all reservation table -possibility to insert deposit and commissions as % of the rate when inserting and modifying a reservation -insert default and daily commissions for rates, calculated and shown in documents and all reservations table -insert percentage VAT for rates and extra costs, calculated and shown in documents and all reservations table -fixed 2 bugs in assignment function (one of them only with groups of reservations) -check for payments and documents in previous years if the reservation was inserted in previous years -custom periods in drop-down menus are now kept when creating a new year -table to see all documents saved, delete last and upload a new one -templates with documents are created again when documents order is changed 1.2.2 (02/12/2009) ====================== -added "informativa sulla privacy" text document to Italian default documents -possibility to ask to accept an agreement from an html or text document in availability template -fixed bug: variables of payments and extra costs not defined in documents 1.2.1 (24/11/2009) ====================== -possibility to choose predefined themes instead of custom html in internet templates -framed mode in internet templates with possibility for an external css file -replaced extended regular expression functions with perl regular expressions functions -possibility to use lists of nations, regions, etc. from a normal user in internet templates -better memory management when viewing and restoring complete backups -description and photo urls for apartments and rates -added 2nd and 3rd code for nations, regions, cities, etc. -modify guests from a group in 1 page -page to modify a reservation on 2 columns if there is enough width -keep old dates intervals in dates menu when dates are added -fixed bug: error when modifying the discount of a group of reservations -fixed bug: wrong rates shown in rates table when there is the privilege to view rates from groups -possibility to show floor and house in all reservations table 1.2 (25/05/2009) ====================== -when a daily extra cost is used as minimum stay (applied in permitted periods) check also the days when it is applied -return to original page when making a login after an expired session -nickname in clients data -copy existing comment text when modifying a reservation and clicking on comment textarea -order by apartment in all reservations table -create automatically new year on January 10th instead of 1st -creating new year update imported reservations numbers in saved documents -creating new year import also messages, res. payments, payments and receipts inserted in created year -possibility to make an item needed for checkin when adding it to an apartment inventory -encrypt clients' credit card data with ssl public/private keys -fixed amount as deposit -automatic version update with non-interactive logins (interconnections) -privilege to create backups for normal users -automatic source download and update for subordinated installations -transition from GPL v3 to Affero GPL v3 license -documents saved with current year date instead of main menu year if new year has not been created yet -possibility to attach the same attachment to different emails in documents -show warning when sending a document email with a subject already sent to the client -percentage discount or final price after discount or daily price after discount -replaced "close apartments" with "nearby apartments" in English translation -in all rates table group dates and prices with drop-down menu dates (also when modifying) -possibility to show only selected rates from all rates table and from current dates -possibility to change the order of rates -added "schedine alloggiati", "ISTAT C/59" and "alloggiatiweb file" to Italian documents examples -possibility to edit already inserted documents conditions -fixed bugs: possible problems when inserting and modifying reservations in close apartments -new document action to don't evaluate conditions until next "resume" action -composable document conditions: "always" or "if" (multiple and/or); the action; all repetitons or not -assign predefined values to a document array with a condition action instead of assigning them at array creation -added an invoice and receipt in rtf and an enquiry reply and confir reservation emails to documents examples -limits for parts to be shown only if a condition on a variable is met in documents text -separate documents examples for each language -"view document" and "modify as a group" for selected reservations only in all reservations table (simple theme) -possibility to view documents from month table -possibility to change the order of documents -added structure data in "cofigure and customize": type, name, address, telephone, fax, vat number... -vat number in clients data -possibility to change the apartment list of assignment rule 2 from x days before arrival -fixed bug: problems with inventory of apartments not named with a number -possibility to multiply rates prices by number of people (without extra beds) -moved images and themes directories outside includes and added base.css -fixed bug: deposit calculated on total price when modifying a reservation 1.1.1 (16/11/2008) ====================== -renamed backup file to phpres_backup.php -possibility to modify singular rates when modifying a group of reservations -possibility to replace variable texts and other new conditions in documents custom variables -possibility to add variables and conditions to a sigle document -added arrays of document variables and possibility to repeat them in the document -added selection_starting_date and selection_ending_date to document variables -if possible lengthen php timeout when making or resoring a backup or updating year and database -display backup creation date if a backup file exists -menu bar shown after sending a document email -serch client surname and email from drop down box in simple theme menu -possibility to display extra costs with same characteristics grouped in drop-down menus in insertion -possibility to delete items from inventory when an extra cost is inserted -incompatible apartments in extra costs (not for automatically assigned) -fixed bug: sometimes not possible to modify reservations in close apartments -assign automatically extra costs also between minimum and maximum days -refill missing inventory items from stockrooms and apartments over minimum -copy inventory from an apartment to another one or to the ones from a rate -fixed bug: dates menus files not created when importing privileges -inventory for normal users -possibility to move up and down conditions on custom document variales -identity document region and city in clients data -plain text document format -added reservation_repetition_number, carriage_return and new_line document variables -fixed bug: error when restoring some condititions from a documents backup -set prices to NULL if blank value is inserted in rates table 1.1 (26/06/2008) ====================== -possibility to delete all messages sent before or after a given date -possibility to import templates from a directory to another one -possibility to include templates in backup -renamed internet templates (removing "template" word for "tpl") -possibility to create multiple templates in different directories -possibility to delete a single template -apartments and stockrooms inventory -warning and overwrite when saving a document for a reservation that already has one of the same type -all reservations table: clicking on a field selects all rows with the same value (simple theme) -title in client's data (linked to gender) -codes in lists of cities, regions, nations, documents and relatedness -list of cities (with region id) -fixed bug: occasionally wrong when checking availability from main menu -calculate but do not show extra costs named only with spaces in internet templates -statistics page -condition to truncate document custom variables (and add characters if length is lower) -arithmetic condition with 2 variables in document custom variables -possibility to align availability with arrival dates in months table -highlight also dates row when mouse is over the month table -possibility to save all insert, update and delete queries in a log file -possibility to delete a user without reservations, clients, receipts and reservation payments -insert and modify rates and extra costs as normal user in privileges -see profiles of users in same groups in all reservations table for normal users -possibility to see and modify data from users of the same group in privileges -possibility to simultaneously modify a group of reservations 1.0.1 (20/01/2008) ====================== -fixed bug: input not checked when searching client in clients table -fixed bug: error when modifying a reservation with close reservations -inset prices weekly with a single weekly price with daily periods -possibility to import privileges from a user to another user -possibility to change settings for all users in "configure and customize" 1.0 (06/01/2008) ====================== -new menus in simple theme -fixed bug: sometimes could not move a reservation with close reservations 0.7.2 (26/12/2007) ====================== -fixed bug: reservations not imported when creating a new year -do not insert or modify a reservation if the rate has negative prices -updated simple theme -default apartments lists -transition from GPL v2 to GPL v3 license (with update proxy) 0.7.1 (12/11/2007) ====================== -reservation origin -separated id from payment method in table with history of reservations payments -fiscal code in client's data -changed the word "contract" to "document" -try to import prices when adding periods -extended the maximum number of future months -validated all pages as html 4.01 strict -extra costs variables repetition for lists in contracts -possibility to add inteconnection modules -possibility to translate add-on modules -if contract is repeated entirely and saved then save 1 contract for each repetition -new "if" conditions for contract variables -fixed bug: slashes added to surname when inserting new reservations -possibility to align days and reservations in availability calendar in templates -possibility to view only arrivals or departures in all apartments table 0.7 (04/06/2007) ====================== -possibility to display currency sign before prices in internet templates -nationality, city + region + nation of birth, type + city + nation of document in clients' data -lists of nations and regions -show the names of wrong extra costs in internet templates -possibility to "always" associate an extra cost only in allowed periods -possibility to save a contract with a progressive number, available also in the contract -possibility to record reservation guests besides titular client -added support for sqlite database -fixed bug: wrong calculation of the hours to anticipate begun reservations -possibility to have temporary reservations while still inserting them -possibility to keep 2 or more reservations in close apartments 0.6.4 (20/11/2006) ====================== -new condition to make operations on numbers in contract variables -possibility to duplicate extra costs -modify prices directly from rates table -pop-up table to choose apartments for assignment rule 2 -possibility to automatically add extra costs when inserting more than x reservations -possibility to automatically add extra costs based on days left from initial date -assignment rule 4: insert by default the number of people associated to a rate -added internet availability calendar template -all internet templates now validate as html 4.01 strict -dates row customization in months tables -now also normal users can update the database -change the number of rates also from prices insertion page -change the client of a reservation with another existing one -added extra costs to rates internet template -possibility to delete all messages -possibility to send a copy of the reservation request mail to the client -grouped periods in rates table -new condition to replace strings in contract variables -fixed bug: not italian variables not defined in contracts variables conditions -show an arrow for checked-in reservations in apartments, reservations and month table -weekly prices insertion now follows the initial week day set in configuration 0.6.3 (04/09/2006) ====================== -fixed bug: sometimes extra costs where not applied when inserting new reservations -fixed bug: deposit and discount where set to 0 when modifying a reservation -do not ask for the rate if there is only 1 in internet templates 0.6.2 (02/08/2006) ====================== -rates table internet template -contracts backup -reservation code -estimated arrival time in all reservations table -sum_people, value_all_extra_costs, estimated_arrival_time and num_periods in contracts -calendar date pickers -moved dates and money format and money names from common data to the specific template page -only requests with dates in the future are now possible in availability template -fixed bug: not possible to set deposit and discount to 0 when modifying a reservation 0.6.1 (31/05/2006) ====================== -show also in the database when there is subordination -button from availability template to paypal template when present -security bug: htmlspecialchars for input from normal users when inserted in database -fixed bug: cound not send multiple emails from contracts -fixed bug: client data not imported from availability template messages 0.6 (23/02/2006) ====================== -import prices from a rate to another one -choose the number of rows (apartments) after wich show again the dates row in months tables -choose to select current reservations by default as customization of reservations table -in reservations table use menus' partial dates in arrows when only 1 period is selected -show deposit when checking availability -possiblity to insert a reservation request in the users' messages from the availability template -custom fields in availability template reservation request -choose to ask client data, check-in hour and deposit payment method in availability template reservation request -estimated check-in time -possibility to show until last available date in database in internet templates -fixed bug: year privileges not deleted when deleting year -update internet templates when creating year or updating database -possibility to change the directory where internet templates are created -users messages system -possibility to consider a contract as a rtf or a template for editable email -fixed bug: error with alternate days in extra costs -added client region and id, reservation number, rest to pay, last payment and all payments list to contracts -possibility to change the number of contracts -added custom variables with conditions on other variables to contracts -view contracts of shown reservations from all reservations table -possibility to set the repetition boundaries in contracts with more reservations -contracts with many types and number of reservations -moved contracts from files to database -possibility to view only 1 method of payment in payments history table -logout -possibility to modify client's data after inserting or modifying it -possibility to replace words of user interface -try to free the apartment before deleting it -improved performance of assignment function and added to it a time limit -moved all includes in includes/ directory -client region and identity document -conversion to unicode utf-8 -no permanent connection to database 0.5.5 (14/11/2005) ====================== -don't show reservations of previous year in all reservations table when all these reservations end -possibility to automatically create the new year with the first login of the year of any user -possibility to modify a reservation of previous year ending in current year from current year -when modifying a reservation, updade also the corresponding next year reservation if present -do not permit inserting reservations for next year if asked final date exists in next year -delete imported reservations from previous year when importing in new year -changed assignation in assignment in english translation -possibility to use an extra cost as minimum stay (associate cost if "always" on) -fixed bug: couldn't modify permitted periods of extra costs -fixed bug: "continue anyway" didn't work when inserting reservations -bug: when going back from inserting a reservation, a list of apartmens was selected if a rule 2 rate was -possibility to change the day of end/start week with daily periods in tables -added small link to show all dates in menus -show availability overview in availability template also when requested period is full -possibility to show only intervals of dates in some periods in dates menus -fixed bug: not possible to restore backups with users with german language -fixed bug: no availability overview customization for normal users 0.5.4 (08/08/2005) ====================== -modify all apartments attributes from one page -remember last dates selected when inserting prices -auto-update to correct dates in javascript menus -subordination with compressed backup -Backup compression with gzip -free apartments report in availability template -link to php-residence home page from default templates -free apartments report grouped by people they can host or by rule 2 in availability check -possibility to add extra costs of insertion page when checking availability -show only available rates when checking availability -fixed bug: wrong dates with javascript menus in safari browser -changed "fare" to "rate" in english translation -fixed bug: not possible to create italian templates from other languages 0.5.3 (11/07/2005) ====================== -edit contracts from browser -dates menus with javascript in simple theme -fixed bug: error when inserting "extraordinary" costs -default to last values selected in the first page to create internet templates -fixed bug: extra costs not deleted when deleting a reservation -possibility to modify default phrases in availability template -possibility to delete created templates -use all default data from availability template if present when creating new template 0.5.2 (12/04/2005) ====================== -fixed bug: not possible to make new installations -use html data from availability template if present when creating new template 0.5.1 (09/04/2005) ====================== -possibility to move back and forward when only 1 period is selected in all reservations table -do not permit insertion of extra cost for selected fares -possibility to move already begun reservations in full periods -payment method -do not show rows where some selected columns are empty in all reservations table -possibility to deselect surname, starting and ending date and number in all reservations table -hours difference from server time -check-in and check-out for reservations -added privileges for inserting more reservations at once -bug: not possible to insert more reservations at once with fares associated to costs -added privileges for deleting confirmed reservations -possibility to delete payments history -possibility to delete clients without reservations and payments (also all contemporarely) -themes to modify aspect 0.5 (16/03/2005) ====================== -bug: discount bigger than fare when inserting reservation -limited number in time of wrong logins (no brute force) -possibility to apply extra costs only in some periods -possibility to put a limit to the number of an extra cost in week/day -possibility to multiply extra costs by number of people (total or not) -possibility to associate weekly/daily costs to some specific weeks/days -possibility to automatically apply extra costs based on period length -possibility to accordingly change extra costs when reservations are changed -possibility to ask the number of people in availability template -created file includes/costanti.php where some limits and behaviors can be set 0.4.5 (03/01/2005) ====================== -updated to postgresql version 7.4.5 -fixed bug: error when creating new year with administrator login enabled -fixed bug: not creating dates menus when importing users privileges from previous year -fixed bug: reservations not moving in apartments without number of people defined 0.4.4 (06/08/2004) ====================== -fixed bug: usa dates not available in contracts -fixed bug: not calculating extra costs prices when modifying a reservation 0.4.3 (29/06/2004) ====================== -fixed bug: installation in german continued in english -fixed bug: could not create new apartments 0.4.2 (21/06/2004) ====================== -fixed bug: error when restoring backup from a database type to the other -fixed bug: error when importing privileges from previous year -fixed bug: allow reservations with number of people in apartments without it -eliminated notice warnings when not done in php.ini 0.4.1 (12/05/2004) ====================== -possibility to consider all apartaments fixed -interconnection: subordination to another php-residence installation -changed backup.txt in backup.php for security -user column in payments history and all reservations tables -fixed bug: don't move already present reservations in periods of assignation rules 1 -import also the privileges and rules 3 from the previous year -assignation rule 3: when admin inserts a reservation associate fares with users -possibility for admin to change the owner of a reservation or client -fixed bug: error when inserting or modifying the street of a client 0.4 (23/04/2004) ====================== -user privileges -secured all includes when admin password activated -possibility to change the time when a reservation is considered begun -possibility to move a reservation between already assigned apartmens -insert and check availability for more reservations at once -function arguments not passed by reference in function call -locking tables and not files with mysql -removed completely auxiliary tables -fast access to users layout profiles for admin on table with all reservations -user authentication with sessions -possibility to change the default html when creating availability template 0.3.3 (07/04/2004) ====================== -fixed bug: possible error in assignation function 0.3.2 (30/05/2003) ====================== -translation in spanish -possibility to delete years -total of differences when changing selected reservations -subtotal for selected reservations in table with all reservations -insertion date field in table with all reservations -extra costs modification page -prices table for printing -fixed bug: contract variables of other languages not defined -fixed bug: when creating template only last fare name is used -possibility to add a prefix to all tables -improved performance of assignation function (including a bug fixed) -sort by different fields the table with all reservations -fare name field in table with all reservations 0.3.1 (25/02/2003) ====================== -current dates selected in table with all reservations -fixed bug: slashes in strings when inserting reservations -creation of a template page to check availability from internet -modular languages (add a dir in includes/lang to add a language) -fixed bug: wrong dates in cotracts from "modify reservation" page -fixed bug: couldn't see birthdates before 1970 on win32 -fixed bug: couldn't search clients with mysql -unique id for extra costs 0.3 (26/11/2002) ====================== -workaround for register_globals = off in php.ini -motivation for rule 1 and insert reservation from check availability -group columns in table with all reservations -eliminated some pages when there was only 1 confirmation button -checkboxes to mark all or deposit paid from "all reservations" table -rows limit in reservations table and history table -backup and restore data folders and database -possibility to use mysql -possibility to use an already created empty database when installing -control write permissions on dati folder when installing -arbitrary number of fares -automatically assign extra costs only to choosen fares -different deposit for every fare -all includes now begin with ./ -substituted temporary tables with variables in liberasettimane function 0.2.4 (14/06/2002) ====================== -fixed bug: possible error in assignation function 0.2.3 (30/05/2002) ====================== -fixed bug: apartament not fixed for already begun reservations with daily periods 0.2.2 (10/04/2002) ====================== -compatible with php3 -possibility to change surnames length in months tables -internal changes to assignation rule 1 and assigning function for better performance -fixed bug: inserting a new reservation you could choose only the last client of a list -fixed bug: not considering old list of apartments when modifying a reservation -fixed bug: was unable to free apartment under certain conditions -fixed bug: change apartment name also in drop-down menu 0.2.1 (18/02/2002) ====================== -view contracts from check availibility page -search also surnames that contain the inserted one -insertion of prices on a weekly basis for daily periods -customize dates in drop-down menus -possibility to change apartment name -yellow color if paid=0 deposit=0 and confirmed 0.2 (04/01/2002) ====================== -traduzione in inglese -lock tabelle durante transazioni di inserimento e modifica -prenotazioni giornaliere -soldi con decimali e formato personalizzabile -costi aggiuntivi nel contratto -costi settimanale e finale come letto aggiuntivo -tabella storia entrate-uscite -assegnazione appartamenti in base alla tariffa (regola 2) -possibilità eliminare appartamenti -personalizzazione nomi contratti -personalizzazione tabella prenotazioni -costi aggiuntivi infiniti -motivazione regola di assegnazione 1 -conferma prenotazione -controllo disponibilità in appartamenti con dato numero di persone -cambio disposizione cartelle anni e dati -passagio di tutti i file .inc a .php -creata la cartella contr -altre piccole modifiche 0.1.2 (16/06/2001) ====================== -Visualizzazione prenotazioni tra due date -Creato aggiorna.php per aggiornare da versioni precedenti -Ricerca per cognome del cliente nella tabella clienti -Prenotazioni di tutti gli anni in modifica_cliente.php -Creato il changelog |